
ICAR IARI Technician T-1 History Practice Paper 1 in English

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ICAR IARI Technician T-1 History Practice Paper 1 In English – Agricultural Research Institute is going to be held soon. For all the candidates preparing for this Technician Recruitment Exam, in this post we have brought some important questions related to World History. With the help of these questions, you will be able to strengthen your preparation for the IARI Technician T-1 Exam even more. All these questions are important from an exam point of view. 

इस प्रैक्टिस को हिंदी में पढने के लिए यहाँ क्लीक करें

The applications of ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Bharti were completed from 18 December 2021 to 10 January 2022. And now the ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Exam will be conducted on 28 February, 2 March, 4 March and 5 March 2022. Must read these questions before appearing in the Technician T-1 Recruitment Exam. 

ICAR IARI Technician T-1 History Practice Paper 1 in English
ICAR IARI Technician T-1 History Practice Paper 1 in English

ICAR IARI Technician T-1 History Practice Paper 1 in English

Q 1. The Young Arab Association was formed by Arabic students studying in which country?

A. Paris

C. France

B. Britain

D. Singapore

Ans. Paris

Q 2. When was the Arab League established (in Cairo)?

A. March, 1945

B. March, 1946

C. March, 1947

D. March, 1948

Ans. In March, 1945

Q 3. When did Syria and Lebanon get independence?

A. 1944

B. 1945

C. 1946

D. 1947

Ans. In 1944

Q 4. Under whose leadership was the republic established in Egypt?

A. Nasir

B. Nagis

C. Narmes

D. Nimahasi

Ans. Nagis

Q 5. Who started the Brotherhood Movement (1910)?

A. Ibn Saud

B. Saud Arabi

C. Ibn Allah

D. None of these

Ans. Ibn Saud

Q 6. The Suez Canal was nationalized (in 1956) by which Egyptian President?

A. Nagis

B. Nasir

C. Namis


Ans. Nasser

Q 7. During which of the following movements did the militant nationalists of Kenya massacre whites on a large scale?

A. Maui – Mau Movement 

B. Macau Movement

C. Mekong Movement

D. Gegang Movement

Ans. Maui – Mau Movement

Q 8. Who founded the organization called ‘Young Italy’ (1831)?

A. Mezzini

C. Piedmont

B. Garibaldi


Ans. Mazzini

Q 9. With the possession of Italy on Rome, the work of unification of Italy was completed. When is this incident?

A. 1860

B. 1870

C. 1875

D. 1880

Ans. 1870

Q 10. “Italy is just a geographical expression” is the statement?

A. Mazzini’s

B. Kabur’s

C. Metternich

D. Menin

Ans. Metternich’s

Q 11. ‘Plumbiers Secret Pact’ (1858) was between whom?

A. Napoleon and Kabur

B. Napoleon and Mazzini

C. Napoleon and Menin

D. Napoleon and Mater Niev

Ans. Napoleon and Kabur

Cabur Q 12. What is meant by ‘Auncia Regime’ (in French word)?

A. Archaic system 

B. . Economic System 

C. Economic Policy

D. Political System

Ans. Archaic System

Q 13. Who was the ruler of France at the time of Revolution (1789)?

A. Louis 14th

B. Louis 15th

C. Louis 16th

D. Louis 17th

Ans. Louis 16th

Q 14. Who wrote ‘Letters to Persia’, a satirical work on French customs and autocratic monarchy?

A. Rousseau

B. Didero

C. Montesquieu 

D. Voltaire 

Ans. Voltaire

Q 15. Who among the following is not a French philosopher?

A. Montesquieu

B. Voltaire

C. Rousseau

D. Penn

Ans. Penn

16. The famous novel named ‘Nouvelle Heloise’ is composed by?

A. Rousseau

B. Voltaire

D. None of these

C. Mill

Ans. Rousseau

Q 17. Rousseau’s famous work ‘ Where was the ‘Social Contract’ written?

A. France

B. Italy

C. England

D. Spain

Ans. In England

Q 18. What was Corvy in the French archaic system?

A. Forced labor

B. Salt tax

C. Night watchman tax 

D. A kind of offering 

Ans. Forced Labor

Q 19. Who was the author of ‘The Spirit of Laws’?

A. Montesquieu 

B. Voltaire

C. Didero

D. Rousseau

Ans. Montesquieu

Q 20. When was the ‘Revolution Almanac’ started in France? 

A. 21st June, 1792 

B. 21st July, 1792 

C. 21st August, 1792 

D. 21st September, 1792

Ans. September 21, 1792

Q 21. Where was the famous sculptor Michelangelo from?

A. Germany 

B. England

C. Poland

D. Italy 

Ans. Italy

Q 22. What was the most important part of the new science that was born in the Renaissance period?

A. Humanism

C. Laborism

B. Feudalism

D. Legislative

Ans. Humanism

Q 23. Which of the following scholars has called ‘Modern Europe the legacy of Greece’?

A. Erasmus

B. Fischer

C. Copernicus

D. Rabelai

Ans. Fischer

Q 24. The term ‘New Learning’ prevalent in the Renaissance period means 

A. Scientific thinking

B. Humanism

C. Secularism 

D. None of

these Ans. None of these

Q 25. Which scholar of the Renaissance era is called ‘Modern Chanakya’?

A. Machiavelli

B. Erasmus

C. Gutenberg

D. None of these

Ans. Machiavelli

Q 26. Who among the following is called the ‘First European’ of the Renaissance period?

A. Rabelai 

B. Erasmus

C. Henry

D. Florence

Ans. Erasmus

Q 27. Known as ‘Henry the Navigator’ as a promoter of sea voyages, Henry was the ruler of

A. Portugal 

B. Italy

C. France

D. Russia

Ans. Portugal

Q 28. When did the formal origin of the Protestant religion take place? 

A. In April, 1559 

B. In April, 1539

C. In April, 1549 

D. In April, 1529

Ans. In April, 1529

Q 29. Who is called ‘The Morning Star of Reformation’?

A. John Wycliffe 

B. John Swan

C. Florence 

D. Zwingli

Ans. To John Wycliffe

Q 30. In which language were the ’95 Questions for Religious Reforms’ issued by Martin Luther originally written?

A. German 

B. Latin 

C. Greek

D. English

Ans.in Latin The


above ICAR IARI Technician T-1 History Practice Paper 1 are given for the purpose of education. If any type of error is found in the questions. So you can get them corrected by talking to our WhatsApp group administrator. We do not take any guarantee that all of these questions or any question will come in the Gram Sevak exam or not. 

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