ESIC UDC MTS and Stenographer GK Practice Test 1 in English| GK 30 Important Questions Must Read Before Going to Exam – Employees State Insurance Corporation Recruitment for Upper Division Clerk, Stenographer and Multi Tasking Staff Posts Recently 15 January 2022 to 15 February 2022 Applications were filled. All the candidates have applied for this recruitment. This recruitment is being conducted to fill a total of 3847 vacant posts.
ESIC Recruitment 2022 for UDC and Stenographer is going to be conducted on 19 March 2022 (Saturday) and 20 March 2022 (Sunday). At the same time, the MTS exam is being held on 26 March. For all the candidates preparing for these posts, we have brought ESIC UDC, MTS and Stenographer GK Practice Test 1. With its help, you will be able to do better in your preparation. Before going to the exam, you must read these 30 questions.

ESIC UDC MTS and Stenographer GK Practice Test 1 in English
Q 1. Who introduced leather token currency in India?
- (a) Akbar
- (b) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq ✅
- (c) Babur
- (d) Humayun
Q 2. Aurobindo was arrested in connection with
- (a) Alipore Bomb Case ✅
- (b) Kolhapur Bomb Case
- (c) Lahore Conspiracy Case
- (d) Kakori Case
Q 3. Group of temples at Pattadakal is in
- (a) Maharashtra
- (b) Himachal Pradesh
- (c) Karnataka ✅
- (d) Madhya Pradesh
Q 4. The Imperial Bank of India, after its nationalization came to be known as
- (a) Reserve Bank of India
- (b) State Bank of India ✅
- (c) United Bank of India
- (d) Indian Overseas Bank
Q 5. What is NSSO?
- (a) National Social Science Organization
- (b) National Social Study Organization
- (c) National Security Science Organization
- (d) National Sample Survey Organization ✅
Q 6. Who is empowered to transfer a judge from one High Court to another High Court?
- (a) Chief Justice of India
- (b) President of India ✅
- (c) Law Minister of India
- (d) The Union Cabinet
Q 7. The ‘Pacific ring of fire’ is associated with
- (a) oil well fires
- (b) thermal power station
- (c) volcanoes and earthquakes ✅
- (d) forest fires
Q 8. The community development programme was launched in the year
- (a) 1950
- (b) 1952 ✅
- (c) 1951
- (d) 1953
Q 9. In the first expansion of SAARC, which one of the following countries joined as the eighth member of SAARC?
- (a) Myanmar
- (b) Iran
- (c) Afghanistan ✅
- (d) Thailand
Q 10. ‘An Extraordinary Life, An Indian Destiny’ is a biography of
- (a) Manmohan Singh
- (b) Sonia Gandhi ✅
- (c) Shashi Tharoor
- (d) Indira Gandhi
Q 11. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute is located at
- (a) Pune
- (b) Delhi
- (c) Nagpur ✅
- (d) Chennai
Q 12. The world’s first ever thermal battery plant is established in which state of India?
- (a) Tamil Nadu
- (b) Gujarat
- (c) Rajasthan
- (d) Andhra Pradesh ✅
Q 13. Name the first person from Bollywood to feature on the cover of TIME magazine?
- (a) Aishwarya Rai
- (b) Shahrukh Khan
- (c) Kishore Kumar
- (d) Parveen Babi ✅
Q 14. Who became the first Indian gymnast to win a gold medal at the Gymnastics World Challenge?
- (a) Aruna Reddy
- (b) Dipa Karmakar ✅
- (c) Pranati Nayak
- (d) Pranati Das
Q 15. Who among the following is popularly known as ‘Blade Runner’?
- (a) Usain Bolt
- (b) Oscar Carl Pistorious ✅
- (c) Carl Lewis
- (d) Ben Johnson
Q 16. The frequency of ultrasound wave is typically
- (a) above 20 kHz ✅
- (b) above 20,000 kHz
- (c) below 20 kHz
- (d) below 02 kHz
Q 17. What is India’s rank in the Human Development Index (HDI 2017)?
- (a) 120th
- (b) 125th
- (c) 130th ✅
- (d) 119th
Q 18. In grasses, the guard cells are
- (a) kidney-shaped
- (b) sphere-shaped
- (c) dumb-bell-shaped ✅
- (d) bean-shaped
Q 19. Soap removes grease by
- (a) coagulation
- (b) adsorption
- (c) emulsification ✅
- (d) osmosis
Q 20. Microliths were most commonly found in which of the following ages in ancient India?
- (a) Paleolithic
- (b) Mesolithic ✅
- (c) Neolithic
- (d) Chalcolithic
Q 21. In which state is Jog falls located?
- (a) Kerala
- (b) Maharashtra
- (c) Karnataka ✅
- (d) Tamil Nadu
Q 22. The outermost layer of the Sun is called
- (a) Chromosphere
- (b) Photosphere
- (c) Corona ✅
- (d) Lithosphere
Q 23. Who was the first Speaker of Lok Sabha?
- (a) Dr. SP Mukherjee
- (b) GV Mavalankar
- (c) N Sanjeeva Reddy
- (d) BR Ambedkar
Q 24. President of India can be removed from his office by
- (a) Prime Minister of India
- (b) Chief Justice of India ✅
- (c) Parliament
- (d) Lok Sabha
Q 25. Which of the following is a high level language used in computer programming?
- (a) Python ✅
- (b) Flash
- (c) Snake
- (d) Oracle
Q 26. Under which Article of the Constitution is the President’s Rule introduced in a state due to the failure of the constitutional machinery?
- (a) Article 352
- (b) Article 356 ✅
- (c) Article 360
- (d) Article 350
Q 27. Who among the following is constitutionally empowered to alter scheduled area?
- (a) Supreme Court of India
- (b) High Court of State
- (c) President of India ✅
- (d) Parliament
Q 28. When did India join the United Nations?
- (a) 1945 ✅
- (b) 1947
- (c) 1950
- (d) 1954
Q 29. Deficit financing means that the government borrows money from the
- (a) Revenue Department
- (b) World Bank
- (c) RBI ✅
- (d) None of the above
Q 30. A closed economy is one which
- (a) does not trade with other countries ✅
- (b) does not possess any means of international transport
- (c) does not have a coastline
- (d) is not a member of the UNO
The questions and answers of ESIC UDC MTS and Stenographer GK Practice Test 1 in English shared above have been given for the purpose of education. If any type of error is found in the questions. So you can get them corrected by talking to our WhatsApp group administrator. We do not take any guarantee that all or any of these questions will come in the Gram Sevak exam or not.