ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Social Science Practice Test 3 in English – The exam for ICAR IARI Technician T-1 recruitment conducted by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute has started from today. Today some candidates will have their exam, while the remaining candidates will have their exam in the remaining 3 days. The exam started today, 28th February. The last shift exam of this exam will be held on 05th March.
Before going to give the exam, almost all the candidates are revising their studies from its practice set. To help all these candidates, we are sharing this ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Social Science Practice Test 3 in English. All the practice papers related to ICAR IARI Technician Bharti Exam are being shared daily on our website WedIndia2018.in. In these practice test papers, we are covering all the topics according to the syllabus.

ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Social Science Practice Test 3 in English
Q 1. When was the ‘Treaty of Kanagawa’ between Japan and America?
- A. March, 1854
- B. April, 1855
- C. March, 1864
- D. April, 1865
Ans. March, 1854
Q 2. What was the name given to the era of modernization that started in Japan in 1868?
- A. Meiji Restoration
- B. Shogun Restoration
- C. Tokyo Restoration
- D. none of these
Ans. Meiji Restoration
Q 3. Which ruler of Japan assumed the title of Meiji?
- A. Mikado
- B. Mutsuhito
- C. Farmo
- D. Sobno
Ans. mutsuhito
Q 4. What is the literal meaning of ‘Meiji’?
- A. Enlightened governance
- B. autocratic rule
- C. republican rule
- D. none of these
Ans. enlightened governance
Q 5. Which religion was given importance in Japan during the Meiji regime?
- A. Buddhism
- B. to the Shinto religion
- C. Islam religion
- D. Zoroastrianism
Ans. to the religion
Q 6. How many ports did China open for trade as a result of losing the First Opium War?
- A. two
- B. three
- C. Five
- D. Seven
Ans. Five
Q 7. Which of the following was ‘Co-Hog’?
- A. Chinese trading organization
- B. Chinese Labor Organization
- C. Chinese Women’s Organization
- D. Chinese Journalists Association
Ans. Chinese trading organization
Q 8. Between whom did the Simeonsky Treaty take place?
- A. Russia – Japan
- B. Sino-Japan
- C. Indo-Japan
- D. Sino-US
Ans. sino-japan
Q 9. Where was the ‘Kuomintang’ established (1905) by Dr. Sanayat Sen?
- A. in Russia
- B. in China
- C. in Japan
- D. in America
Ans. in japan
Q 10. Who was the first Governor General of independent India?
- A. C. Rajagopalachari
- B. Warren Hastings
- C. Lord Dalhousie
- D. Lord Mountbatten
Ans. lord mountbatten
Q 11. The first Indian who took over as the Governor General in independent India?
- A. Jamnalal Bajaj
- B. C. Rajagopalachari
- C. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
- D. M. A. Ansari
Ans. C. Rajagopalachari
Q 12. Who among the following was the founder of Satya Shodhak Samaj?
- A. Dr. BR ambedkar
- B. Jyotiba Phule
- C. Narayan Guru
- D. Ramaswamy Naicker
Ans. Jyotiba Phule
Q 13. Where did the British establish the first Madrasa in India?
- A. Madras
- B. Bombay
- C. Aligarh
- D. in Calcutta
Ans. in Calcutta
Q 14. By whom was the Ramakrishna Mission started?
- A. Ramakrishna Paramhansa
- B. Dayanand Saraswati
- C. Swami Vivekananda
- D. Raja Rammohun Roy
Ans. Swami Vivekanand
Q 15. In Maharashtra, who did Shri Ganesh for the Shivaji festival ?
- A. B.G. Tilak has
- B. M. G. Ranade has
- C. Vipin Chandra Pal
- D. Arvind Ghosh
Ans. B.G. Tilak has
Q 16. Brahmo Samaj was founded by Raja Rammohun Roy?
- A. in 1816 AD
- B. in 1820 AD
- C. in 1828 AD
- D. in 1830 AD
Ans. in 1828 AD
Q 17. With whose cooperation did Jyotiba Phule establish Satyashodhak Samaj in 1873 AD?
- A. Gopalkrishna Gokhale
- B. Telang Ranade
- C. Shivnath
- D. none of the above
Ans. Telang Ranade
Q 18. Who among the following established the Brahmo Samaj in India?
- A. Keshav Chandra Sen
- C. Maharshi Devendranath Tagore
- B. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- D. Mrs. Annie Besant
Ans. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Q 19. Kunwar Singh, the main hero of the revolt in 1857 AD, was associated with which of the following?
- A. Bihar
- C. Rajasthan
- B. Madhya Pradesh
- D. Uttar Pradesh
Ans. Bihar
Q 20. Where was the first session of the Indian National Congress held?
- A. Calcutta
- B. Lahore
- C. Bombay
- D. Poona
- Ans. Bombay
Q 21. Who did the first Satyagraha during India’s freedom struggle?
- A. Sardar Patel
- B. Jawaharlal Nehru
- C. Vinoba Bhave
- D. Mahatma Gandhi
Ans. Mahatma Gandhi
Q 22. Khilafat Swaraj Party was founded by?
- A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
- B. Subhash Chandra Bose
- C. C. R. Das and Motilal Nehru
- D. B. R. Ambedkar
Ans. C. R. Das and Motilal Nehru
Q 23. Who among the following started a newspaper named Som Prakash?
- A. Dayanand Saraswati
- B. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
- C. Raja Rammohun Roy
- D. Surendra Nath Banerjee
Ans. Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar
Q 24. In which year ‘Hindustan Republican Association’ was established?
- A. In 1920
- B. In 1924
- C. In the year 1928
- D. in 1930
Ans. in 1924
Q 25. Among all the British constitutional experiments in India, which lasted the shortest time?
- A. Indian Council Act of 1861
- B. Indian Council Act of 1892
- C. Indian Council Act of the year 1909
- D. Government of India Act of the year 1919
Ans. Indian Council Act of 1909
Q 26. Who presided over the session of the Banaras Hindu Mahasabha in August 1923?
- A. Swami Shraddhanand
- B. Rajendra Prasad
- C. Lala Lajpat Rai
- D. Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya
Ans. Swami Shraddhanand
Q 27. Who led the Bardoli Satyagraha?
- A. Mahatma Gandhi
- B. Vallabhbhai Patel
- C. Morarji Desai
- D. Rajendra Prasad
Ans. Vallabhbhai Patel.
Q 28. Who had placed Swaraj as a national demand?
- A. B.G. Tilak has
- B. C. R. Das has
- C. Dadabhai Naoroji
- D. Mahatma Gandhi
Ans. Dadabhai Naoroji
Q29. Gandhiji did ‘Dandi March’ as a civil disobedience movement
- A. 31st December, 1929
- B. on 26 January 1930
- C. on March 12, 1930
- D. on 6th April, 1930
Ans. on March 12, 1930
Q 30. Which woman contributed the most in Indian politics after 1947?
- A. Aruna Asaf Ali
- B. Kamala Rani Singh
- C. Tarakeswari Sinha
- D. Rabri Devi
Ans. Aruna Asif Ali
Q 31. Why is the year 1942 important?
- A. Salt Satyagraha
- B. Non-cooperation Movement
- C. Quit India Movement
- D. Independence of India
Ans. Quit India Movement
Q 32. The formation of Azad Hind Government was announced
- A. 26 January 1930
- B. August 8, 1942
- C. 21 October 1943
- D. on February 18, 1946
Ans. on October 21, 1943
Q 33. Who started the ‘Free Hindustan’ newspaper in America?
- A. Ramnath Puri
- B. G. D. Kumar
- C. Lala Hardayal
- D. Taraknath Das
Ans. Taraknath Das
Q 34. Where did the ‘Dandi March’ start?
- A. Bardoli
- B. Ahmedabad
- C. Surat
- D. Vadodara
Ans. Ahmedabad
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