
ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Economic Practice Paper 1 in English

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ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Economic Practice Paper 1 in English – ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Exam of Indian Agricultural Research Institute is going to be held soon. For all the candidates preparing for this technician recruitment exam, in this post we have brought some important questions related to economic development. With the help of these questions, you will be able to strengthen your preparation for the IARI Technician T-1 Exam even more. All these questions are important from an exam point of view. 

इस प्रैक्टिस पेपर को हिंदी में पढने के लिए यहाँ क्लीक करे

The applications of ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Bharti were completed from 18 December 2021 to 10 January 2022. And now the ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Exam will be conducted on 28 February, 2 March, 4 March and 5 March 2022. Before appearing in the Technician T-1 Recruitment Exam, you must read these economic questions. 

ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Economic Practice Paper 1 in English
ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Economic Practice Paper 1 in English

ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Economic Practice Paper 1 in English

Q 1. From the point of view of economic development, India wins? 

A. As a backward nation

B. As a developed nation

C. As a developing nation

D. As a Underdeveloped nation

Ans. As a developing nation

Q 2. Which sector of the Indian economy contributes the most to the Gross National Product?

A. Primary Sector

B. Secondary Sector

C. Tertiary Sector 

D. Public Sector

Ans. Tertiary Sector 

Q 3. Closed economy is an economy in which 

A. Money supply is completely controlled

B. There is deficit financing

C. There is only export

D. There is neither export nor import 

Ans.is neither export nor import. 

Q 4. Where is the headquarter of CAPART located?

A. New Delhi

C. Kolkata

B. Mumbai

D. Bangalore

Ans. New Delhi

Q 5. When was SAIL established?

A. 1984 

B. 1974

C. 1990

D. 1964

Ans. In 1974

Q 6. Which of the following is not a part of the Human Development Index?

A. Health and Nutrition

B. Per Capita Income

C. Life Expectancy at Birth

D. Gross Name Investment Rate

Ans. Health and Nutrition

Q 7. Which is the first state to release a State Level Human Development Report?

A. Kerala

B. Madhya Pradesh

C. Mizoram

D. Tamil Nadu

Ans. Madhya Pradesh

Q 8. According to the Educational Development Index (February, 2011) are the four highest ranked states of India?

A. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Delhi 

B. Kerala, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab

C. Kerala, Delhi, Gujarat, Maharashtra

D. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Pt. Bengal, Karnataka

Ans. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Delhi

Q 9. Disguised unemployment is commonly seen in India? 

A. In Agriculture 

B. In Factory Sector

C. In Service Sector

D. In All These Sectors

Ans. In agriculture sector 

Q 10. On what does the economic development of a country depend?

A. Natural Resources

B. Capital Formation

C. Size of the Market 

D. All of the Above 

Ans. All of the above

Q 11. Who made the Human Development Index?






Q 12. What is the percentage of population below the poverty line in India by the Tendulkar committee? 

A. 27.2%

B. 37.2%

C. 22.2%

D. 32.7%

Ans. 37.2%

Q 13. On what basis are the sectors in an economy classified into public and private?

A. Use of raw materials 

B. Nature of economic activities

C. Ownership of enterprises

D. Terms of employment

Ans. Ownership of Enterprises

Q 14. Who propounded the ‘Theory of Drain’?

A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

B. Dadabhai Naoroji

C. Gopalkrishna Gokhale 

D. Govind Ranade

Ans. Dadabhai Naoroji

Q 15. Who was the first to calculate the national income in India?

A. Mahalanobis

B. Dadabhai Naoroji

C. V.K. R. V. Rao

D. Sardar Patel

Ans. Dadabhai Naoroji

Q 16. National Income is?

A. Net National Product at Market Price

B. Net National Product at Cost of Production 

C. Net Domestic Product at Market Price

D. Net Domestic Product at Cost of Production

Ans. Net National Product at Cost of Production 

Q 17. To arrive at per capita income, national income is divided by?

A. Total population of the country

B. Total working population

C. Area of ​​the country

D. Volume of capital used

Ans. From the total population of the country

Q 18. The government agency responsible for estimating the national income in India is?

A. Indian Statistical Organization 

B. Reserve Bank of India

C. Central Statistical Organization

D. National Council of Applied Economics Research

Ans. Central Statistical Organization

Q 19. Which of the following is a better measure of economic development?

A. Gross Domestic Product 

B. Disposable Income

C. Net National Product

D. Per Capita Income

Ans. Per Capita Income

Q 20. What is depreciation equal to?

A. Gross National Product – Net National Product

B. Net National Product – Gross National Product 

C. Gross National Product – Personal Income

D. Personal Income – Personal Tax

Ans. Gross National Product – Net National Product

Q 21. Which of the following is not a method of measurement of national income?

A. Value Added Method

B. Income Method

C. Investment Method

D. Expenditure Method

Ans. Investment Method

Q 22. Which is deducted from NNP to arrive at National Income?

A. Indirect Taxes

B. Capital Consumption Exemption

C. Subsidy

D. Interest

Ans. Indirect Taxes

Q 23. Which of the following is deducted to arrive at GNP and NNP?

A. Depreciation

B. Interest

C. Tax

D. Subsidy

Ans. Depreciation

Q 24. Which of the following sectors receives the largest share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in India?

A. Agriculture and allied sectors

B. Defense and public administration

C. Service sector

D. Manufacturing, construction, electricity and gas

Ans. From service sector

Q 25. Which of the following is not included in the calculation of national income by income method?

A. Rent

B. Mixed Income

C. Pension

D. Undistributed Income

Ans. Undistributed Income

Q 26. GDP is its currency value?

A. Stock of goods and services

B. All final goods and services produced in a year

C. Goods produced only for the 

market D. Goods produced for the market and for their own use.

Ans. All final goods and services produced in a year

Q 27. What is not included in the calculation of GNP through the expenditure method?

A. Gross Domestic Private Investment 

B. Net Foreign Investment

C. Depreciation Expenditure

D. Private Consumption Expenditure

Ans. Depreciation expense

Q 28. What is meant by soft currency?

A. The money whose supply is greater than the demand

B. The money whose supply is less than the demand

C. The money whose demand and supply are both constant 

D. None of the above

Ans. The money whose supply is more than the demand

Q 29. Who was the propounder of the law of the market?

A. J.B. From

B. Ricardo

C. A. C. Pigao

D. Malthus

Ans. JB From

Q 30. Which of the following is the category which suffers the most due to inflation?

A. Debtors 

B. Creditors

C. Merchants

D. Holders of Real Assets

Ans. Creditors


above ICAR IARI Technician T-1 Economic Practice Paper 1 in English are given for the purpose of education. If any type of error is found in the questions. So you can get them corrected by talking to our WhatsApp group administrator. We do not take any guarantee that all of these questions or any question will come in the Gram Sevak exam or not. 

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