
Best WED Theme and Host Country from 1974 to 2022

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WED Theme and Host Country – In this article we are going to share all the themes of World Environment Day

1974 Year

In 1974 the United States hosted World Environment Day in Spokane city under the slogan of  “Only one Earth”.

1975 Year 

In the year 1975 Bangladesh hosted WED  in Dhaka city under the slogan of  “Human Settlements”. It was the first time an Asian country hosted WED. 

1976 Year

In the year of 1976, Canada hosted World Environment Day in Ontario city under the slogan of  “Water: Vital Resource for Life”.

1977 Year

In the year 1977, Bangladesh hosted World Environment Day in Sylhet city under the slogan of  “Ozone Layer Environmental Concern; Lands Loss and Soil Degradation”

1978 Year WED Theme And Host Country

In the year 1978, Bangladesh hosted World Environment Day in Sylhet city under the slogan of  “Development Without Destruction”.

1979 Year 

In the year 1979, Bangladesh hosted WED in Sylhet city under the slogan of  “Only One Future for Our Children – Development Without Destruction”.

1980 Year 

In the year 1980, Bangladesh hosted World Environment Day in Sylhet city under the slogan of  “A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without Destruction”.

Year 1981 WED Theme And Host Country

In the year 1981, Bangladesh hosted WED in Sylhet city under the slogan of  “Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains”.

Year 1982

In the year 1982, Bangladesh hosted WED in Dhaka city under the slogan of  “Ten Years After Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns)”.

Year 1983

In 1983, Bangladesh hosted World Environment Day in Sylhet city under the theme/slogan of  “Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and Energy”.

Year 1984

In 1984, Bangladesh hosted WED in Rajshahi city under the theme/slogan of  “Desertification”. It was the 9th time Bangladesh hosted WED and it became the most frequently hosted country.

Year 1985

In 1985, Pakistan hosted WED  in Islamabad city under the theme/slogan of  “Youth: Population and the Environment”.

Year 1986

In 1986, Canada hosted World Environment Day in Ontario city under the theme/slogan of  “A Tree for Peace”. It was the second time Canada Hosted WED. 

Year 1987 WED Theme And Host Country

In 1987, Kenya hosted WED in Nairobi city under the theme/slogan of  “Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof”.

Year 1988

In 1988, Thailand hosted World Environment Day in Bangkok city under the theme/slogan of  “When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last”.

Year 1989

In 1989, Belgium hosted World Environment Day in Brussels city under the theme/slogan of  “Global Warming; Global Warming”.

Year 1990

In 1990, Mexico hosted WED in Mexico City city under the theme/slogan of  “Children and the Environment”

Year 1991

In 1991, Sweden hosted World Environment Day in Stockholm city under the theme/slogan of  “Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership”

Year 1992

In 1992, Brazil hosted World Environment Day in Rio de Janeiro city under the theme/slogan of  “Only One Earth, Care and Share”.

Year 1993

In 1993, People’s Republic of China hosted WED  in Beijing city under the theme/slogan of  “Poverty and the Environment – Breaking the Vicious Circle”

1994 WED Theme And Host Country

In 1994, the United Kingdom hosted World Environment Day in London city under the theme/slogan of  “One Earth One Family”.  

Year 1995

In 1995, South Africa hosted World Environment Day in Pretoria city under the theme/slogan of  “We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment”.

Year 1996

In 1996, Turkey hosted World Environment Day in Istanbul city under the theme/slogan of  “Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home”

Year 1997 WED Theme And Host Country

In 1997, The Republic of Korea hosted World Environment Day in Seoul city under the theme/slogan of  “For Life on Earth”

Year 1998

In 1998, the Russian Federation hosted World Environment Day in Moscow city under the theme/slogan of  “For Life on Earth – Save Our Seas”

Year 1999

In 1999, Japan hosted World Environment Day in Tokyo city under the theme/slogan of  “Our Earth – Our Future – Just Save It!”

2000 WED Theme And Host Country

In 2000, Australia hosted World Environment Day in Adelaide city under the theme/slogan of  “The Environment Millennium – Time to Act”.  

Year 2001

In 2001, two countries hosted World Environment Day under the same theme/slogan of  “Connect with the World Wide Web of Life”.  First one was Italy in Torino city and the second one was Cuba in Havana. 

Year 2002

In 2002, The People’s Republic of China hosted World Environment Day in Shenzhen city under the theme/slogan of  “Give Earth a Chance”.  

Year 2003

In 2003, The Lebanon hosted World Environment Day in Beirut city under the theme/slogan of  “Water – Two Billion People are Dying for It!”.  

Year 2004

In 2004, Spain hosted World Environment Day in Barcelona city under the theme/slogan of  “Wanted! Seas and Oceans – Dead or Alive?”.   

Year 2005

In 2005, The United States hosted World Environment Day in San Francisco city under the theme/slogan of  “Green Cities – Plan for the Planet!”.  

Year 2006

In 2006, Algeria hosted World Environment Day in Algiers city under the theme/slogan of  “Deserts and Desertification – Don’t Desert Drylands!”.   

Year 2007 WED Theme And Host Country

In 2007, England hosted World Environment Day in London city under the theme/slogan of  “Melting Ice – a Hot Topic?”.   WED 2007 focused on the consequences of climate change on polar ecosystems and communities, as well as other ice- and snow-covered areas of the planet, and the ensuing global implications, during the International Polar Year.

Year 2008

In 2008, New Zealand hosted World Environment Day in Wellington city under the theme/slogan of  “Kick The Habit – Towards A Low Carbon Economy”. New Zealand was one of the first countries to commit to carbon neutrality, and it would emphasise forest management as a means of lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Year 2009

In 2009, Mexico hosted World Environment Day in Mexico city under the theme/slogan of  “Your Planet Needs You – Unite to Combat Climate Change”.

Year 2010

In 2010, Rwanda hosted World Environment Day under the theme/slogan of  “Many Species. One Planet. One Future”. On this day Thousands of activities, including beach clean-ups, concerts, exhibits, film festivals, community events, and more, were held around the world.

Year 2011

In 2011, India hosted WED  in Delhi City under the theme/slogan of  “Forests: Nature at your Service”. It was India’s first time hosting the day. Beach clean-ups, concerts, exhibits, film festivals, community events, tree plantings, and other activities were held all over the world.

Year  2012

In 2012, Brazil hosted World Environment Day in Brasilia City under the theme/slogan of  “Green Economy: Does it include you?”. The goal of the subject was to get people to think about their daily activities and lifestyles and understand how the concept of a “Green Economy” fits in.

Year 2013 WED Theme And Host Country

In 2013, Mongolia hosted World Environment Day in Ulaanbaatar City under the theme/slogan of  “Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint”. The campaign aims to raise awareness in nations where people’s lifestyles lead to food waste. It also aimed to empower individuals to make informed food choices in order to lessen the total environmental effect of food production around the world.

Year 2014

In 2014, Barbados hosted WED in Bridgetown City under the theme/slogan of  “Raise your voice, not the sea level”. The theme of the 2014 World Environment Day was global warming and its effects on ocean levels.

Year 2015

In 2015, Italy hosted WED  in Rome City under the theme/slogan of  “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care”. On this day in Saudi Arabia, 15 women crocheted a mural in favour of the WED 2015 by recycling 2000 plastic bags. To commemorate World Environment Day and boost environmental awareness in India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi planted a Kadamb seedling.

Year 2016

In 2016, Angola hosted World Environment Day in Luanda City under the theme/slogan of  “Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Wildlife Trade”

Year 2017

In 2017, Canada hosted World Environment Day in Ottawa City under the theme/slogan of  “Connecting People to Nature – in the city and on the land, from the poles to the equator”

2018 WED Theme And Host Country

In 2018, India hosted WED  in New Delhi City under the theme/slogan of  “Beat Plastic Pollution”. It is hoped that by adopting this theme, individuals will attempt to make changes in their daily lives that will help to alleviate the heavy load of plastic pollution. People should not be overly reliant on single-use or disposable items, which have serious environmental repercussions. Plastics should be removed from our natural environments, wildlife, and personal health.

Year 2019

In 2019, China hosted World Environment Day under the theme/slogan of  “Beat Air Pollution”

Year 2020

In 2017, Colombia hosted World Environment Day under the theme/slogan of  “Time for Nature”

2021 WED Theme And Host Country

In 2017, Pakistan hosted World Environment Day under the theme/slogan of  “Ecosystem restoration”


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